Beckett and Keaton - The Comic and the Angst

Beckett and Keaton - The Comic and the Angst

Sandro Montalto

Beckett and Keaton. The Comic and the Angst

Chelsea Editions, New York 2018

Trans. John Rugman

170 pagine

ISBN 978-0-9861061-7-0      

(Blurb) A history and analysis of a major work by Samuel Beckett, the neglected 1965 film called simply Film, starring Buster Keaton. The author repudiates previous skimpy criticism holding the work to be minor, and examines the work in detail, providing its plot, history and a reinterpretation of its meaning and significance. It places Film within the Beckett corpus, demonstrates its centrality and level of excellence, and explores its relationship to psychoanalysis, surrealism, existentialism, Kafka, Kierkegaard, Sartre and other writers. It also discusses film techniques, perspective and philosophy.


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